
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Wedding Date, Planning, Money - Part 1

Part 1: Pre-Planning and Updates
If you've read my previous posts you all know I got engaged back in December. If you don't read my blog or are new to this blog WELCOME and now you know. Let me start by saying I appreciate and am truly grateful for all the kind words, cards, gifts and gestures from our family and friends. I don't expect anything from anyone but for those who have sent my fiancé and I gifts we truly appreciate it. It truly touches me that you take the time out of your busy lives to do such a sweet gesture.

Sometimes I still can't believe we are engaged. With that being said people often ask, "have you guys picked a date?" or "when's the wedding?". To answer your question I don't have the exact date narrowed down yet. I am deciding between a few dates and am finalizing soon! I am in no big rush nor is my future hubby. We are enjoying life as is and when we select a date we'll let you know. I have been looking into venues and I'm in the process of calling the venues for pricing. But let me just say I never knew how much weddings cost till now. I need to win the lotto soon!

Recap: So as of now all I am doing is looking and researching locations for the wedding. I do have my wedding party selected and they pretty much know who they are, but I still want to ask them in a cute way (Blog post about this as soon as I've asked).

I am truly am excited for the wedding but the planning and costs are definitely frightening.

I'll keep you posted on any new updates! xoxo

Friday, May 1, 2015

Manners, Moochers, and Facebook

****WARNING:**** This is going to be a long blog post of me just venting. I've debated on posting this blog for a long time. But today I said, why not? It's my thoughts and my own space on the internet. Also because sometimes you just need to vent. I apologize in advance if anything I say/write offends you as that is not my intention at all. I don't expect everyone or anyone to agree with me.

Read at you own will… . You've been warned!

Manners: Does anyone have manners these days? What happened to saying Please & Thank you? I bring this up today because I've had recent events in my life when people were extremely and truly rude and disrespectful. I've had several individuals communicate with me via talk/call/text/message just for something they need. First and foremost, it's rude when you reach out to someone without saying hi or asking how they are. Or when you make a conversation with someone and they don't even ask nor care how you are doing. RUDE! It is common courtesy. I am normally an easy going person and help whenever and wherever I can. But lately I feel so taken advantage of. 

Being present and on time is another manner lots of people have forgotten about. When you are supposed to be meeting with someone you should be early. Sure, I get the occasional 5 minutes late but 10 minutes or more is way rude. There is no need for it. If someone can make the time and arrive early you should as well. 

Moochers: Are by far the most annoying individuals EVER (in my book)! Never again will I ask the "moochers" in my life if they need anything because their list will be forever long. They don't appreciate it and almost expect for you to do things for them. But when someone else is in need they are never thoughtful nor the one to give.  

Facebook: I honestly can go on and on and probably even write a book about what people do on Facebook that is extremely annoying.  With that being said, I will get right to it and keep it short.
  • When people on Facebook like their own statuses and pictures (Really, why?)
  • When people constantly post things on Facebook (especially when their posts are irrelevant to anyone but themselves)
  • When people tag others in statuses when the posts doesn't pertain to the tagged individual whatsoever
  • When people are having a conversation with someone on Facebook who is sitting right next to them
  • When people constantly blow up my feed by tagging each and every photo of the same individual (Is that really necessary? Because I am pretty sure that person is going to see it)
  • When people complain about every single thing in their life
  • When people go on Facebook to brag all the time about their significant other all the time (I get if you do it on anniversaries or when they do something extremely exciting otherwise don't post it)
  • When people constantly share photos and videos
Short and sweet. It hits all my points. Most times I just unfollow those individual, but it's still so annoying. 

Phew all done and it's a relief! Thank you in advance for reading my long post of me just venting! Again, if I offended you in anyway I apologize. 

Toodles & have a fabulous day!